Does My Dog Have a Cold?

sick dog with sad eyes

Cold and flu season is here, and while you can’t pass your “people cold” onto your dog, he can still catch a case of the canine sniffles. 

Dog health is important to us at Parkside Animal Hospital, and we’re here to help diagnose your dog’s symptoms so that you know if it’s just a common cold virus or something more serious. 


Ho, Ho, Ho, Holy Tummy Ache: Avoiding Holiday Pancreatitis in Pets

Dog and a holiday plate.

The holiday season tends to be a time of overindulgence, and Parkside Animal Hospital knows that pets are not exempt from the festivities. For our animal friends, overeating can definitely cause a few problems other than an expanding waistline, though. Learn all about pancreatitis in pets and how you can avoid it this year.


What’s the Sitch with that Itch? Top Dog Allergens and How to Avoid Them

Dog scratching.

Are your dog’s days punctuated by bouts of intense scratching or sneezing? If so, he might have allergies. Experts estimate that nearly 20 percent of dogs will develop an allergy to something over the course of their lifetimes, and at Parkside Animal Hospital,  we take dermatology and pet allergies very seriously. Dr. Bertrand, Dr. Holden, or Dr. Hansford will inspect your pet’s skin at every preventive care visit, but please contact us between appointments if you suspect that your pet has an allergy. 


Dogs and Cats: What Are the Common External Parasites

Cat scratching external parasites

Parasites are common concerns for pet owners, and sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, these nasty little pests take up residence on our pets. When they do, they cause extreme discomfort, spread diseases, and inflict damage to the skin. 

Part of our pet preventive care at Parkside Animal Hospital is recommending safe, effective parasite protection for our patients at every wellness visit

Use this guide between appointments to help you spot and remove external parasites.


We’re a Cat Friendly Practice®! What It Means for You and Your Cats

Owner petting cat in their lap.

Here at Parkside Animal Hospital, we are a certified Cat Friendly Practice®, and we are very proud of that certification. So what exactly does that mean for the care of your cats? 

The American Association of Feline Practitioners awards a certification of Cat Friendly Practice® to veterinary practices who meet a list of specific criteria. Overall, it means that we take the comfort and care of your feline family members very seriously, and strive to give them the most low-stress experience possible at our practice. 


Safety Tips for Traveling with Your Pet

Dog wellness checkup before traveling.

Got cabin fever? If you’re eager for new surroundings and pet-friendly family adventures, a little pre-planning can make traveling with your pet safer—and far more enjoyable. If it’s been a while since your pet’s last wellness and preventive care visit, a checkup may be in order to ensure that your pet is sufficiently protected from communicable diseases as well as fleas, ticks, and other parasites that he or she may encounter in a new environment.

Whether you intend to load up the RV, jam-pack a Prius or fly the friendly skies, here are some tips for safe pet travel from the team at Parkside Animal Hospital.


Why Dogs Slobber

A bulldog drooling happily

Dog kisses—some humans love them, while others cringe and turn away. There are those dogs, those especially drooly, slobbery dogs, that nobody wants to get near for a sloppy kiss. Why do some dogs slobber so much?

Dogs Drool for the Same Reasons People Drool

Think about a lemon or a sour pickle. Right away, saliva begins to accumulate in your mouth. You have to swallow to get rid of it (don’t spit!). When you aren’t thinking about sour foods, your mouth still stays wet from saliva.


If Your Dog Has a Pollen Allergy, Would You Know?

Dog playing in park.

Allergies have become the norm, but just because they’re commonplace doesn’t mean symptoms can be dismissed. Sure, mild reactions to dust, mold, smoke and bug bites can resolve on their own, but prolonged exposure to triggers makes matters worse over time. If a dog has a pollen allergy that isn’t addressed or treated, serious health problems may be afoot. 


A Pet-Friendly Gardening Guide

Pet-friendly gardening tips.

Gardening can be a fun and rewarding activity to enjoy outside, as a way for you to relax in the fresh air and nice weather. It can be even more enjoyable when your pets can relish in the garden with you. With safety in mind regarding toxins, parasite prevention, and fencing, you and your pets can experience quality time together in outdoor gardens. 

The team at Parkside Animal Hospital has put together a pet-friendly guide to gardening so you and your pets can enjoy its fruits, flowers, or veggies together! 


Hairballs: When to Worry About Your Cat, And When to Simply Clean Up

A cat laying on the ground

The law of cause and effect states that every single action produces a reaction. In the world of cat care, the law of cause and effect can be readily seen. While some cat owners shake their heads at the sight and sound of feline regurgitation, hairballs are part of the natural order of life.
