Posts Tagged: Cat Behavior
Posts Tagged: Cat Behavior
Cute Cat Behaviors You May Recognize

Cats are known for being cuddly, curious, and downright cute, and at Parkside Animal Hospital, we love helping you keep your felines healthy and happy throughout their lives. We are a certified Cat Friendly Practice®, which means we strive to always give your cats the least stressful experience possible, whether you’re here for a routine preventive care visit, or something more complex like a surgical procedure. Your cat’s comfort is always our number one priority!
Continue…Hairballs: When to Worry About Your Cat, And When to Simply Clean Up

The law of cause and effect states that every single action produces a reaction. In the world of cat care, the law of cause and effect can be readily seen. While some cat owners shake their heads at the sight and sound of feline regurgitation, hairballs are part of the natural order of life.
Continue…Cat Behavior: Enrichment Activities for Indoor Cats

Some cat owners grapple with the decision to restrict their cat’s exposure to the outside world. Many cats face early mortality or life-threatening injuries each year, so keeping them on the right side of the threshold is the safest choice. However, despite the fact that an indoor-only lifestyle is for their own good, it can feel like you’re limiting their opportunities for happiness. Luckily, with a little creativity and commitment, you can still keep them safe and cater to their needs.