Tick Season is Here—Are You Ready?

A tick on wood

The snow is finally melting, and the bounty of spring is beginning to arrive. Of course, along with the fresh breezes, colourful flowers, and singing birds come the parasites we all love to hate. Tick season has officially arrived, and protecting your pet—and your family—from the many diseases they carry is a top priority. Fortunately, the team at Parkside Animal Hospital is here to help!


Tick Season in Canada and Lyme Disease Treatment for Dogs


Ticks are infamous for feeding on the blood of various mammals, but the fact that they spread disease secures their reputation as one of the world’s most revolting insects. Without a doubt, the sight of an engorged tick attached to a pet rattles our sense of health and safety. With the proper prevention and attention, you can avoid dealing with this unfortunate disease in your pets. 


Dogs and Cats: What Are the Common External Parasites

Cat scratching external parasites

Parasites are common concerns for pet owners, and sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, these nasty little pests take up residence on our pets. When they do, they cause extreme discomfort, spread diseases, and inflict damage to the skin. 

Part of our pet preventive care at Parkside Animal Hospital is recommending safe, effective parasite protection for our patients at every wellness visit

Use this guide between appointments to help you spot and remove external parasites.


Can My Pet Make Me Sick? An Overview of Zoonotic Diseases

A woman bends down to pet her dog.
Woman feeding dog.

This past year the global pandemic has been on everyone’s mind, but you probably haven’t thought about your pet (including exotics) in this age of social distancing. 

You may have even heard more about the term zoonosis these days, which means a disease that can be passed from animals to people. House pets do carry their own illnesses, some of which can be transmitted to humans – Salmonella, for example.  

Many pet owners have asked about different viruses and other diseases and whether they can be transmitted to their human family. The team at Parkside Animal Hospital is here to explain more about zoonotic disease and how you can protect your entire family, pet family included.
