Pet First-Aid: How to Build a Kit and When to Use It

dog with rescue barrel

As a pet owner, it is important to be prepared. When it comes to your pet’s well-being, it’s always better to have a pet first-aid kit (and not need it), than the other way around. Emergencies typically happen when we least expect them, and being able to act quickly can make all the difference. The Parkside Animal Hospital team wants to empower all pet owners to acquire all the necessary supplies and know the basics of pet first-aid. 


Be Aware, Stay Prepared: Disaster Preparedness of Pets

A dog sitting near a flooded road

September is National Disaster Preparedness Month. Many of us have lived through some form of a natural disaster, whether that be a tornado, hurricane, earthquake, or ice storm. You might even have a disaster plan at home for your family. Our pets, too, need to be ready for anything, and there are special considerations during a natural emergency to be prepared for when it comes to your furry loved one.

Your friends at Parkside Animal Hospital are here to provide you with the right steps to better respond to the unexpected. Here are some tips for effective disaster preparedness for pets for their ultimate health and safety.


Build Your Pet First Aid Kit

A dog being given first aid

Although we don’t like to think about it, emergencies can and do come up, especially when you own a pet. In those situations, it’s a great comfort to have a basic understanding of pet first aid as well as a well-stocked pet first aid kit.

If you’re prepared to respond to an accident, you can administer first aid to stabilize your pet until you can get to our office or the nearest emergency clinic. Remember that Parkside Animal Hospital is always here to help you navigate a pet emergency. You can call us with specific questions any time, but always come in right away if you’re worried about your pet.

Here, we’ll show you what you need in your pet first aid kit.


That Sinking Feeling…Is it a Pet Emergency?

pet emergency

One of the worst fears for a pet owner is the thought of their pet suffering an accident or illness. While we certainly don’t want to alarm you, statistics show the majority of pet owners have to make at least one trip to an emergency clinic during the lifetime of their pet. Thankfully, many of these scenarios end favorably, with the pet expecting a full recovery.

The problem with a pet emergency is that it can sometimes be elusive. Does vomiting signal an emergency? What if your pet is bitten by another animal but seems OK on the surface? The fact is, many of us adopt the wait and see tactic or jump on Google to look up our pet’s symptoms.

Your friends at Parkside Animal Hospital want to diffuse some of the fear and confusion around what constitutes a pet emergency.
