Why Dogs Slobber

A bulldog drooling happily

Dog kisses—some humans love them, while others cringe and turn away. There are those dogs, those especially drooly, slobbery dogs, that nobody wants to get near for a sloppy kiss. Why do some dogs slobber so much?

Dogs Drool for the Same Reasons People Drool

Think about a lemon or a sour pickle. Right away, saliva begins to accumulate in your mouth. You have to swallow to get rid of it (don’t spit!). When you aren’t thinking about sour foods, your mouth still stays wet from saliva.


Pet Noise Anxiety All Summer Long

A terrier barking

Canada Day is just around the corner. Most people will be excited to celebrate with picnics, carnivals, concerts, fairs, and parades. Their pets, however, may have other ideas. 

Without a doubt, most of our celebratory events are not only off-putting to the animal world, they have the potential to cause pet noise anxiety.

How can we bridge the gap between observing cultural and seasonal holidays, and supporting our pet’s essential needs?


Winter Indoor Pet Activities

A beagle with a rope toy

If old man winter has you in his grip, you’re not alone. Cold weather, ice, and snow can keep us all indoors and less active than perhaps is good for us. And our pets are feeling the same cabin fever. Still, some indoor time may be a necessary part of the season, and it’s no reason that we can’t still have fun with our best fur friends – with some winter indoor pet activities. 


A Match Made in Heaven: Safety for Kids and Pets

A fluffy white dog playing with its kids

Without a doubt, there’s a unique bond between kids and pets. From teaching empathy and social skills to encouraging physical activity, there are a number of ways pets can be good for children. In fact, most kids and their pets are best friends for life.

However, while kids and pets may be a natural match, that doesn’t mean you should leave them to their own devices. Accidents happen, even among the most well-behaved children and animals, so it’s important to take steps to ensure that all interactions are happy and safe.


Reasons Why Your Dog Eats Poop (and How to Curb Their Interest)

A dog sniffing poop

Dogs are such amazing pets. They’re cute, fun to be with, and absolutely lovable. But even the most well-behaved dogs can have some pretty unsavory habits. Drinking out of the toilet, humping, and butt scooting top the list of potentially confusing behaviors, but poop eating (also known as coprophagia) takes the cake. If your dog eats poop, there could be specific reasons why they do it. The good news? There are ways to get past this habit.
