Choosing The Best Kitty Litter for Feline Health and Happiness
Choosing The Best Kitty Litter for Feline Health and Happiness

It may seem like a modern indulgence, but we can assure you that your choice of kitty litter can make all the difference. Not only does the right product help safeguard ideal bathroom habits, but it can also add incredible value to your cat’s indoor environment. The process can involve a few hiccups or roadblocks, but once you land on the purr-fect choice your cat’s health and well-being are aligned.
Cleanliness Matters
Perhaps the most important factor in litter box training, acceptance, and adherence is simply keeping their space fresh and tidy. Cats are repelled by strong smells and accumulated waste. A general rule is to clean the box promptly after use, or at least daily. Also, a multiple cat household should have one box per cat, plus an additional for good measure. Weekly washing of the box and full replacement of litter keeps cats happy.
It is important to note that cats are creatures of habit. Switching kitty litter brands or styles on them can have catastrophic results. Always introduce new products gradually until your cats feel comfortable with them.
Feline Urinary Health
If you ever notice that your cat prefers to urinate or defecate outside of their litter box, it could be time to address the cleaning schedule. Cats that suffer bathroom habits may not be able to make it to their litter box. Convenient placement of and easy access to their box can help with this.
Issues with urination or defecation should be addressed by your cat’s veterinarian. Urinary tract inflammation, kidney disease, diabetes, and age-related cognitive dysfunction can all cause litter box problems.
The Best Kitty Litter
Once any medical conditions are ruled out or treated, you can spend time making the personal choice for your cat’s litter. Consider your cat’s age, overall health, and personal preferences when choosing between the following types of kitty litter:
- Clay
- Corn
- Wheat
- Grass
- Recycled paper
- Hemp
- Wood
- Sorghum
- Crystal granules
There are scented products that many cats don’t seem to mind, but some cats and their owners prefer unscented litter. Texture is an essential component to your cat’s litter. If they seem to like sinking their paws into a soft litter, choose a fine grain product.
Due to its high absorbency and clumping capabilities, clay litter (sodium bentonite) is the most common type of kitty litter. If you’re looking for an eco-friendly option, or one with low-dust, pass on clay/clumping litter and opt for biodegradable products made of corn, grass, or wheat.
Appreciating Kitty Litter
Providing the right kitty litter is an essential component to responsible cat ownership. It’s also helpful to give your cat options for litter boxes on each floor of the home, and give them a hooded or enclosed alternative. Placement of their litter boxes in quiet areas can reduce stress and anxiety related to the experience.
If you have any questions about the right kitty litter for your household, give us a call at (705) 223-3404. Our team at Parkside Animal Hospital is always happy to help your cat!