Choosing The Best Kitty Litter for Feline Health and Happiness

Devon rex cats using litter box.

It may seem like a modern indulgence, but we can assure you that your choice of kitty litter can make all the difference. Not only does the right product help safeguard ideal bathroom habits, but it can also add incredible value to your cat’s indoor environment. The process can involve a few hiccups or roadblocks, but once you land on the purr-fect choice your cat’s health and well-being are aligned. 


Your Checklist for Summertime Fun With Your Pet

Small dog wearing sunglasses relaxing on the beach.

It’s summer in Ontario!  Parkside Animal Hospital has the ultimate list for safe and exciting summertime fun with your pet. Don’t miss out on the incredible weather, and get out there and have a blast with your furry best friend. 


Pet First-Aid: How to Build a Kit and When to Use It

dog with rescue barrel

As a pet owner, it is important to be prepared. When it comes to your pet’s well-being, it’s always better to have a pet first-aid kit (and not need it), than the other way around. Emergencies typically happen when we least expect them, and being able to act quickly can make all the difference. The Parkside Animal Hospital team wants to empower all pet owners to acquire all the necessary supplies and know the basics of pet first-aid. 


The Power of Pet Vaccines in Wellness Care

bengal cat getting vaccinated at veterinary animal hospital

We all want our furry family members to be healthy and live long, happy lives. Thankfully, with proactive pet wellness care and modern veterinary medicine, Parkside Animal Hospital is more equipped than ever to deliver on this. Keep reading to learn about pet vaccines and what role they play in keeping your beloved four-legged family safe and healthy. 


Ho, Ho, Ho, Holy Tummy Ache: Avoiding Holiday Pancreatitis in Pets

Dog and a holiday plate.

The holiday season tends to be a time of overindulgence, and Parkside Animal Hospital knows that pets are not exempt from the festivities. For our animal friends, overeating can definitely cause a few problems other than an expanding waistline, though. Learn all about pancreatitis in pets and how you can avoid it this year.


Microchipping Your Pet Is Easy, Affordable, and a No-Brainer

A Boxer standing in the grass

Given the chance, most pet owners would do anything to guarantee their pet’s safety. This explains why we go to extremes to prepare our homes, work spaces, and garden areas. 

But beyond securing a strong fence and gate, or checking all window screens and doorways, there is an additional way to prevent an accidental separation from your pet. One extra step – beyond a collar with ID tag – is microchipping your pet.


Be Aware, Stay Prepared: Disaster Preparedness of Pets

A dog sitting near a flooded road

September is National Disaster Preparedness Month. Many of us have lived through some form of a natural disaster, whether that be a tornado, hurricane, earthquake, or ice storm. You might even have a disaster plan at home for your family. Our pets, too, need to be ready for anything, and there are special considerations during a natural emergency to be prepared for when it comes to your furry loved one.

Your friends at Parkside Animal Hospital are here to provide you with the right steps to better respond to the unexpected. Here are some tips for effective disaster preparedness for pets for their ultimate health and safety.


Pet Noise Anxiety All Summer Long

A terrier barking

Canada Day is just around the corner. Most people will be excited to celebrate with picnics, carnivals, concerts, fairs, and parades. Their pets, however, may have other ideas. 

Without a doubt, most of our celebratory events are not only off-putting to the animal world, they have the potential to cause pet noise anxiety.

How can we bridge the gap between observing cultural and seasonal holidays, and supporting our pet’s essential needs?


When It Comes to Easter Pet Safety, Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

A dog wearing bunny ears with an easter basket

Oh, the season of buds and blossoms has almost arrived! For many, this means that preparations for Easter egg hunts and family brunches (in tiny groups) are underway. Guess who loves to be underfoot in the kitchen or out in the backyard? The family pet, of course! 

Pets may be just as excited as the kids are (or they could be hiding out until the holiday passes), but one thing is certain: without a cautious approach to Easter pet safety, they could be in danger.


Spring Has Sprung: How Seasonal Changes Affect Pets

A cat sitting near flowers

You know the feeling, when the rain comes and the temperatures start to warm up. It’s Kleenex and allergy meds time, right? Some people even get headaches and other symptoms of the change in temperature and barometric pressure. Seasonal changes affect pets, too, from allergies to warmer temperatures that pose risks. 

To better prepare you and your four-legged for the upcoming spring, here are some recommendations to alleviate some of the seasonal effects. Read on for more information.
